Macahan : Coincidence O_o?
First I had my explosion of joy when I found out I could watch Macahan on tv, and today I get a mail from that the product I'm watching has arrived.
I put it on watching for over a year ago and have been checking at some times, but nothing has changed until today. This coincidence is just freaky.
But of course, I'm very pleased as well ^^
This is only the first season and I rather have the whole serie in a superbox. So I will have to consider this for a while,lol. No matter what I chooise, I'm a danm happy gal right now* sais it with a cowboy dialect*(at least in my head :P)
Familjen Macahan : How the West Was Won
Yesterday we got a new channeld added to our tv-collection, being Tv4 Guld.
Since this week they took away the only show I watched from the program list (How I met your mother, before on Tv3 19.00)
I was pretty irritaded, so this was more than a thousand worth of revival medicine -like a full package of Final Fantasy's Fenix down:P
As the name say, Tv4 Guld is a channel for old goodies, and among those there is one of the best thing ever made airing, that being "How the West Was Won", or as it is known in sweden:
FAMILJEN MACAHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's an old western goodie, about a family on a ranch and the troubles they face and such.
It's just one of the best shows ever!
I used to watch it with my family when I was a kid. It was even before I could read, so my mother always had to be reading aloud for me and my sister.
Of course I still enjoyed it, and at the scary moments we had to under a blanket till my mother said it was over,lol.
Anyway, I'm now going to make sure that we record it everyday. I watched yesterdays episode earlier today, and found out that the wonderful channel doesn't even have commercial breaks. So, without any breaks each episode is around 1hour and 40 minutes long. Like a movie ^^
Zeb (Zebulan) -Uncle. Brother with their father
Kate - Mother
Luke - Eldest brother
Laura - Eldest sister
Josh - youngest brother
Jessi - youngest sister
Molly Culhane - aunt, sister with Kate
Todays episode was about Luke and the army riding in a mountain, Luke working as their guide. suddenly one of the soldiers get's shot, the cutie Billy. (or was it think it was Billy,lol) The captain/Sergent also got shot, and died. Luke and the other soldier managed to escape with the wounded Billy. Unfortantley Billy died, and Luke want's to get revenge:
Luke: I'm going after him.
Molly: It's to dangerous for you to go alone.
Josh: ...he won't be alone. I'm going with him too.
Luke: Alright.
Josh: It doesn't matter what you say! I'm still going to.....what?
Luke: I sait alright, I will ejoy your company.
Josh: ...right..I'm going to get the horses ready.
Episode summary:
After capturing the killer, who they think is mad, they start realising that he is actually an ols south soldier from the war, who still thought that the war was ongoing. But it had been over for 4years already. He alone, had stayed on order to protect something. Also, Luke remember that he had met him once after a battle, when Luke had been part of the noth army. Andrew, as the soldier was named, had seen Luke walking why covering a shot wound. Their eyes had met, but in the end Andrew left. After finding out more, Luke feels that Andrew is just a victim to the war and wishes to help him. But the army is set on having him hanged, but will at least give him a chance to defend himself, and so he get's a trial.
With this, Andrew get's reunited with his wife,Prudite, and his daughter,Stacey, who was yet born when he had left for the war. They both hide the fact from Andrew,that Prudite remarried 3years ago. The trial starts, but don't proceed anywhere, since Andrew refuses to tell the reason for staying at the mountain for all these years. This makes the army think that he is just a murder, and sentance him to death. Luke and Prudite, together with Zeb who returned home (-He just had to make an appearance before the episode was over XP) returns to the mountain to find some clues. They find a secret garden near the cabbin and after some digging they find a chest, containing Gold bars. With evidince shown, Andrew explains that he was told to guard the gold, but since he found out that the war was over, he wanted to give it to his wife and child. Looking at the chest, Luke finds a note, one who even Andrew have never seen (since he never opend to chest) it says that the Gold bars are in fact gold coloured lead bars O_O
The chest had just been a manoeuvre for the real good, which got transported somewhere else.
....This mean, that for 5 years, he had been killing people who came close, lived through hell alone for just some stupid lead! (talk aboutb frustrating)
With this, there is no longer any hesitate that Andrew was clueless about the war being over, and so he becomes a free man. He bids farewell to Prudite and Stacey, who returns to Prudites new husband, and instead moves into the cabbin on the mountain alone.
One day when he is working on the field, Luke come and visit him. He brings alot of food for Andrew.
Andrew: That food looks like it would be enough for a whole army .
Luke: Well,maybe not a whole army. But perhaps for....about 3 persons.
Andrew: ?
Then he hears Stacey calling for him, as she and Prudite rides forward. Prudite had left her husband and wishes to live with Andrew instead.
*sob* such a sweet ending to the episode, just as to be expected from Macahan.
( of course I had seen this episode before, and remembered the main things about it :P)
A bit unrelated, but I also found this link telling about how it went for the main character after Macahan ended.
No real important information, and definetly nothing that effects my feelings for this wonderful serie.
Instead, one thing that destroyed my image of Luke was seeing how he looks today. He had his usual smile, but still....=_=
It kinda reminded me that we won't stay young forever =_=....
But still, Luke rocks, and he always will!!!!!! <3
Meaning, that of course Luke was my favorite character in this serie ^0^
In the beginning he was on the run from the government because of a misunderstanding, and there took along time untill he became free. At that time he also had longer hair,lol.
He also got married to an awesome wife. She was so funny,lol. In one town she was the sheerifes daughter, a tomboy. Luke accidently makes her lose in a horse race,and to make it worse Luke is staying at her house. She clearly show him that she dislike him, they even yell at each other at some time. Still, they end up loving each other,lol.
But during this time, Luke is still a wanted man, so he most run away again. But later, they can finnaly be together.
She starts to dress like a girl, but still try to be the boss,lol.
Last weeks outcome
I have finnaly recovered from my cold, which started after my waitress job from friday.
Btw, the work went pretty good, except that I failed with carrying the main dish, so the head waiter had to take it in my place (sorry Stina-_-)
I got happily of at 1.55, and took it easy while waiting for the last train home. I also met with Maria, who had been out dancing and, well, in short were pretty drunk.
The day after I went to Bullens place as planned to role play. Mörkel had a fever, but still happily endured it to be able to participate.
Since I had missed out on two oppertunities, my character had been kidnapped and no one knew what happened.
The story given to me was that my character, Anri, had a faint memory of what had happend, just that she had been dragged to different places and now was very hungry. Oh, and she had been kidnapped by some skinny men and also seen a white haired woman without a face.
I have to say that Bullen/Olov, the playmaster is very skilled with coming up with a plot. He always describe everything that happens specific and makes up funny characters.
When I left he also got excited since our groups two giants had recruited an annoying duck, which would be his character.
I felt in pretty bad shape on sunday, probably still tired from the interwiev, the work and the role least that was what I thought. The family I had met at friday wanted me to come over that day to personnaly meet with the little girl. The weather was nice, except the harsh winds. Felt like my head was going to blow off,lol.
The meeting went kinda good and the girl was so cute! Even though she couldn't move or communicate, I was fascinated by her eyes. They had such a strong expression.
I came home around 5, and felt pretty bad. I realised then that I had a fever =_=
Like in trance I did almost nothing the rest of the night than lying and watching anime.
Monday started the same, with me only watching anime in bed infront of the pc. With that I ended up re-watching and finish watching Persona Trinity Soul.
That was also one anime I had watched when it started airing, and before tha last episodes I put it on halt. So it felt kinda bad watching it all that fast :(
Tomorrow I'm going to the interview for the economy course. I'm supper nervous again, but hopefully it will go ok.
It is supposed to be in 15 min, and I have no idea what I should say XD
Ono Daisuke Said my name O_O
I watched episode 20 of Pandora Hearts yesterday and I got a great shock.
Ono daisukes character in Pandora Hearts, Jack, appeared and he said my name!!!!!!!! >0<
I'm so going to cut that part out,lol.
I have heard it in 2 other animes, one being from a none important guy in Infinite Ruyvus, who kinda stalked the girl with my name. And the other time was a few months ago in Bleach, when a crazy transa called himself 20 different stuff, and somewhere in all of tnat came my name. Malin laughed at me while I cried at that time :P
Also, I love this anime, it isss sooooooo wonderfuuuuuuul <3
Great characters, awesome story and funny events etc...well, of course the seiyus are great too,lol.
Btw, while looking at the beutiful picture below, I hear Ono/Jack saying my name XD
*sob* Really gives a girl her inner strenght *crying smile*
Economy assistant & week plans

I finnaly sent away my application for the economy assistant education.
I have been working with it all day, and the day changed to wednsday, I hurried to send it as fast as I could.
( wednsday is the last application day)
Now I can't stop being nervous about it @_@
But since it was connected with the employment office, and they picked out registred people, I guess it feels a bit secure.
After they go through eveyones application, I have to go for an interview O_O that is something to be freaking nervous about *sweating*
On friday I'm going to meet the parents to a little girl, who I may start work for as a personal assistant. *sweating*
At first the appointed time was 10.00, but today we changed it to 8.30. It will be a pain to get up so early, but I'm lucky enughe to have my mum drive me ^_^
After I come home, I'm going to....sleep,lol. Since the whole evening I will be working as a waitress at a student union.
And best of all - I get to finish before the last train departs!!! *yippie*
On saturday we will once again do some role playing at Bullens place. I couldn't attend the last time they had one, so I have missed some funny things.
Apparently, my character has been kidnappad by some wizard, and Mörre ( =the one I work as a drog dealer for in the play) Saw me, and so did John (=Mr.Necroimcompetent*GAH*) and he even bite off the wizards head O.o
lol, it will be fun to see what will happen next.
I guess this post contents ended up being only about my coming week ^^; *hehhe*
Btw Maxi, I hope you are doing well for your first night in Lund :3

Sayonara, Malin

Today was the last time I visited Malin before she moves to Lund :(
I think we have known each other for more than 10 years,
so it will be a strange feeling to not have her here in Wattholma.
(Now it's only me and Sara - we need to stay strong!)
But, well, it's not like we won't keep in touch,lol. I'm going to make her be online on msn,
or reply to mails or comments when I write anything to her.
I will become like a nagging mother XD
Malin followed me to the station, to get her bicycle,lol.
So we talked,sang and made fake crying sounds all the time.
I hugged her many times and wished her the best in Lund.
And the last words from Malin was :
" My saddle is wet, I'm going to get a wet ass!"
Malin....those words will forever be engraved in my heart <3
So take of yourself now Maxi, and remember to keep in touch a lot *stare*
Btw, Max changed hair colour today to organge, almost BLEACH!
*...paus for laughter...=.....silence* =_=
It looked great on you, so did your new hair style, very jrock,lol.
...but I won't be able to see much of it, you bastard!
*glare* you should have done it before >_<
..just kidding, peac out,baby.
Love you <3

Last Bleach with Max

Today, Malin ( /Max ) and I finnaly catched up with the Bleach anime. With todays new episode, we had a total of 9 episodes to watch: 225-233.
I have been following Bleach since it started airing, but 2~3 years back I started to see it with Malin. It has kinda been our thing, especially since Malin only watch few animes.
BUT, starting next week Malin will move to Lund for study T_T
So today was our last time watching it together *sob*

Starting from episode 227, the Espada arc is once again on halt, meaning that what happens next is not part of the real story but just a filler story. And I....I have been looking forward for this for weeks!
The reason ís written a bit further down, first a complain. ^^;
But before that, episode 227,228 and 229 were each a one episode filler episode =_=
Sure some parts of it was fun, but the beach episode.....WTF, or rather WHY?!
In this episode some shinigamis, especially the woman association comes to our world to spend a day at the beach.
This wasn't entirely a filler. It's based from a 4 panel short story, on pehaps 7~10 pages.
It contained some fun parts, like Byakuyas art ability and something like Ukitakes funeral, though he was only sleeping :P
But then, there was this Melon monster with tentacles.
Beach Bikini womans with big breasts+ Tentacle Monster = Tentacle hentai !!! >(x___x)>
Of course it wasn't really hentai, but it was obviously that it was leaning that way.
I mean, come on! Why soil such a good anime as Bleach with such shit =_= it just irritates me.

But well, leaving that, I will go into the greatest part of today = New filler story!!!!!!!!!!
Since I found out that they were going to start a new one, I have been so excited....of course it was also because of the great new SEIYUS,lol, the best part being that Nakamura Yuuichi would get to voice a new character who would have a big role in the plot.
And GOD, his character is just wonderful!
His character is Muramasa, the main evil guy ^0^
And guessing by his names, he is based on the story of the legendary sword with the same name - at least I see that as his background story, untill he will tell his version by himself in the anime.

FILLER PLOT: In Soul society, many shinigamis start to feel that something is wrong with their own Zanpaktou. After being summoned by the Captain Command, the captains of Gotei 13, their vice captains and some others gathers.
Muramasa shows up and declares that he has captured the Captain Command, with the help of their Zanpaktous, who has freed themself from their shinigami. So now they have to fight without their usual power and harsh cirumstances.
Well, thats kinds what has happend through this 4 episodes.
And after telling this, I can now reveal the other great Seiyu I looked forward for and I'm still shocked over his role.
This means that forever I will always think of Hirakawa when Byakuya use his wepon.
( pehaps a bit exxagereated :P )

Still, back to the most important part of the day = MALIN!
Before and after watching todays last episode, we toasted with a glass of Cider....It was kinda like a Bleach-watching-Break-up ,lol XDDDD
But Maxis, I will always keep you in mind when I think of Bleach*sob* forever!!!!!!!
*standing on a cliff and shouting,
As the waves fiercly hits the cliffwall,
and seagulls cries in fear,
I look up at the cloduy sky,
painted by the sundown,
Thorn by a lonely heart,
but still filled love,
I raise my hand towards the sky,
Do a Thumb up and say with a smiling face:
Max, even if we are apart,
let us still enjoy next weeks episode of Bleach from afar <3*

Lastly, I will post a picture of Malins favorite character from Bleach :3
Hitsugaya Toushiro.....(voiced by Paku Rumi, btw XP )
A few days ago I finished watching the Amatsuki anime.
I really loved this anime, so I had to be brave and force myself to finish it, or else I would have probably put it on hold for another half year.
It was a great anime, even to the end(13 episodes)...or rather not, since it ended right in the middle of something super interesting =_=
I won't go into all of that right now.
Anyway, because of that I have started to read the manga instead. It will obviously contain alot different events than the anime and I will probably continue to compare the anime and manga constantly, but it will not change that this is a really great story.
I also listened to the Amatsuki Dj cd1 today. It was just tottaly hilarious XD
The hosts are Suwabe Junichi(=Bonten) and Yusa Kouji(-Shinonome Kon)
At the beginning they introduced the show as their characters from the anime, Kon trying to be very humble and think of the listeners while Bonten was just being his selfish self.
Then they changed to normal and talked about different things.
Both Fukuyama Jun(-Tokidoki) and Paku Rumi(-Kuchiha) guested some tracks - also both once as their character and then as their usual self.
They commented that they had gotten fan letters from fans from different countries, and talked about how awesome that was and discussedd the reason for it.
That lead them into that if there is anyone who have just bought the cd, but still havn't bought the DVD, that person should go out and buy it immidetly.
Suwabe even said in english"DO IT NOW" XD
They also mentioned that the staff had asked them to not talk about different things but they said that they will talk about it anyway and that somehow, they always end up sounding very pervy XD
My Manga Uppdate : The dark armchair
2 days ago I finnaly finished chapter 2 of my manga. I made it into 7pages, so not too much happend.
I wanted to scan it over to my pc, but somehow the cable to the scanner is gone XD
I have been looking for it everywhere, and I will have to do it one more time to find it -___-
Basically, it is about the meeting between a young magican and a girl who calls herself Medusa.
The first chapter, which was more of a prolouge, is more like the end to what happens later on. Though, I had no time to think when I made that one - since I didn't plan anything beforehand and only used 1h for each page etc - basically, it sucked =_=
So chapter 2 is their first meeting with each other.
In the short time, they both shows that they want to use each other for something.
I decided to make chapter 3 in the double amount of the one before = 14 pages. I still have only sketched 10 of them, but I'm coming up at the climax right now and will round it up for the last 2 pages.
The title for the chapter was given to me from my friend Bullen.
After considering it for a while he said " the dark chair, that will be your title" lol ^^
.....but when I was creating the "dark chair" I liked the design of an armchair more, so sorry Bullen - I changed it XD
It is black and has a biiiiiiiiiiig mouth :3
Plot : After using the teleport, Medusa and Yuji,the magican, ends up in a room where they meet the house owner - a black armchair. What kind of influence will the armchair have on the still new formed bond between Medusa and Yuji, and what kind of horrible plans are spinning inside of that big mouth?
Lol, dramatic ne :P
I will be done with the sketch of this tonight, and then I will use this week to draw it ^^
I plan to order a real G-pen or something like that, since the pen I use for the lines right now is too thick.
Also I want to buy a Tipex pen (the one Mörre had that I used was awesome! ) and finishing, I want to get Manga studio on my pc + master it! would really advance my manga, at least that is what I belive.
So anyway, has to work hard with my drawings ne ^^
They were 11! ( 11人いる!)

They were 11, or Juuichinin Iru, was addapted from a manga by Hagio Moto in 1975. She was part of the 70's called "Year 24 group" (Nijūyo-nen Gumi) , being one of the womans who advanced and made basic structures to the Shojo manga of this time. They also created some of the first Shounen-ai mangas.
Some other from the gruop is Takemiya Keiko - who has made my beloved Terra he and Ikeda Ryouko who made Rose of Versailles.
Anyway, that is enough info, now to the movie ^^
Btw the movie was made 1986, so not as a old as the manga but still..old,lol.
Also, thehe manga was only 1.volume, so I'm guessing they got most of it into the movie.

The setting is in the future, and mankind has reached space. In space lies the oppertunity within the great space academy, which people (creatures) from all different planets try to get in to. Tada, together with 9 other strangers are to start the final test. All wearing space suits board an abonded spaceship and descovers that they are no longer 10, but 11 people now. Together they have to maintain and survive on the ship for 52 days, always with the worries over the 11th person.

Characters From the upper right to lover left:
1. Chako Kacka - Chako ( I think it was that :P)
2. Glenn Groff - Thickhead
3. Vidmenir Knume - Knu
4. King Mayan Baceska - King (Ouji)
5. Doricas Soldam IV - Soldam
6. Tadatos Lane - Tada ( main character)
7. Frobericheri Frol - Frol ( and no, it isn't a girl^^)
8. Dolph Tasta - Rednose
9. Amazon Carnais - Amazon
10. Toto - Toto
11. Ganigas Gagtos - Ganga
The movie started off pretty good, speeding up the background story for the main character Tada, summarizing his reason for taking the test, through flashbacks with the elder from his village. It took only 10 minutes for the movie to reach the important point of realization of the 11th person, enlarging it with a big headline.
All characters looked very different, really showing the typhical style of 70-80's character ^^
But as said before, not everyone of them looked human, especially Vidmenir Knume, called only Knu and Glenn Groff, mostly-or rather, always called Thickhead. The character design was intersting, all different in a really big ways!
Another interesting point with the fact of different planets, is that it also meant different cultures for all of them.
And the story was truly really good, I'm still stunned over how much it exceeded my expectations (which I didn't have much of from the beginning - except that it was made by a great mangaka XD)
It continued to have a good flow, perhaps a little bit to fast with the passing days,
And because there were no options to figure out who was the 11th member, the lingering eager feeling of wanting to figure out lasted though the whole movie ^^
Perhaps I should have said this before, but I love when a serie contends new or different elements from what I have branded as "typhical ~Cliche" So a movie like this from a whole different generation is really into my liking.

Since it's such an old movie, I wasn't expecting any "seiyu time", but unexpected there was one guy, who is even part of Neo Romance appearing :D
Any guesses?
For the Kings voice, we have Angeliques Claviss (-The protector of the darkness Sacuria in the universe) Tanaka Hideyuki!! ^0^
And he was perfect for the role as snobby King too,lol.
But that wasn't all, there was another person who I'm not that very familiar with, but who still lightened up a Seiyu moment for me.
Tada is voiced by Kamiya Akira. I have to admit that I can't come up with any good character he has voiced... except a non important ass character in Saint Seiya..Argol *grrr* >.<. But I have one song, which I think is from City hunters called "Lonely Lullaby" and it is very nice.
Oh,thats right! This is tottaly my own thoughts and not true to the real fact, but Chacko's voice was super-mega alike YOSHINOS XDDDDD So I sat and made comments for myself that it was Yoshinos father,lol XDDD.
This is a really good anime which I really recommend. Even if you may dislike the old animation, the stlye or the layout, it is still worth to check out. Perhaps it will even teach you a good portion of how much animes has evolved in 20 years.
And if not for that, then it will have to be for this big thing I will tell you about now * takes a deep breath*
Do I have to say more?!
........Btw, this is tottaly unrelated to the movie, but when I checked out her profile I found out that she had done the character design for illusion of Gaia O_O It's an old Snes RPG I played some years ago (on pc then of course) It was different and funny from usual game. You only controlled the main character, but you had friends who would follow you and always say something funny - especially the conversation with the spoiled girl were funny.
But even though you played with one character, you had the great ability to change your appearance to a knight with sword XD You can see the difference in the picture beneth, from the usual boy to Sir.Blondy :)

Blogg Uppdated ^____^

Yay! I was so happy when I noticed that my friend Isak (- real name Isabelle) had fixed my blogg. Now I will feel bad if I don't uppdate more,lol, after all the work she made just for me *sob T_T
( Btw, welcome back too Isak, how was it ? )
My life is still...well, regular I guess. But actually, under the surface I have a lot going on right now, at least according to me ^^;
I met with Mörkel and Bullen last week, and got a lot of tips from their school - since they are going a comic course in Gävle. It has made me more eager to draw and I tried out one assaignment they got before.
For them it was to make a 16 page comic in 16 hours. I thought this sounded very interesting and decided to try it out for myself. But I wanted to make it all in one day, so I cut it down to only 7 pages = 7 hours.
After doing this and calling Bullen this morning, I found out that the one thing I had the most trouble with, was actually something wrong. I thought I had to use just one hour for each page, and got panic whenever the alarm went off and I had to switch pages. Also, I thought that I shouldn't decide the story beforehand, so it reallly - reallllllllllly sucked >_<
But still, it was super fun! I don't think I have ever drawn so much manga in one day before :D
( sorry, but havn't scanned any yet....because they aren't that nice XDDD )
I have started with another one today, but this time with a more following story line and a lot better angles + A hell lot more backgrounds ( being a brick wall,lol ) .
I have sketched up all 7 pages - though I will make it into 8, since I squeezed in to much, making it into a muddle.
...Actually, that reminds me that I have to go and work on it now, or else I won't finish it tonight XD
But first I'm going to read the newest chapter of Bakuman, since it is my NR.1 insperation sourcen right now - and has for the past months.

Final Fantasy XIII + XIV
Today I also saw some short information about Nr.14 in the FF serie ^W^ !!!!!. Probably old news, but I'm still a bit shocked that they come with this already, since XIII is still the biggest topic.
That reminds me....when the hell do I get to know the Seiyu for NOCTIS,Versus main character???????! >_______<
Snow and Lightning was annonced a long time ago, so I just want to hear Noctis voice now*sob*.
I have been trying to guess who would fit his character too At first I thought perhaps it would e Miyano Mamoru, since he has gotten tons of roles since he won as the best male seiyu last year. His voice as Setsuna (-Gundam 00) would probably fit Noctis a lot.
Before that I had also thought about Namikawa Daisuke, with a voice which is something between Beniwa (-Utawarerumono) and Ulquirroas (-Bleach) But for the moment, I'm hoping that Matsukaze Masaya will do the voice. Just a little thougher version of Blue/Joseph's (-Blassreiter), more like Jin's (-Seirei no Moribito) would be perfect.
I can only continue to hold my thumbs ^^
Also I want to know more about Final Fantasy XIII: Agito, which will be released to PSP.
This is the one I know the least about, not that I know that much about the other ones either ^^;;
But I like what I have seen so far, to say. Especially the massive collection of characters right of the hook :3
Final Fantasy XIV on the other hand will be a follow up of XI, meaning that it will be a new online game.
I checked the trailer, which had a nice catching of prologue stuff and few scenes.
Here is the link for the preview btw ^^:
With all this I....I really want to hurry up and master japanese =_=
then when I go to Japan I will save money and buy a PS3 and all thease FF games X3
Since I would rather puke than play Final Fantasy with dubbed voices *brrp* I have no choise than to wait for that time ne.
Well, I still have my hands full up with other Final Fantasy games anyway...reminds me that I should continue playing VII.
...Even more, it reminds me that I was right before the final boss in FF II,III and also V.
Really shows how bad I'm at finishing stuff,lol.
Shopping day, becomes helping day?

"No, your Mom isn't here" My Mom said, and the little girl walked away. I was done with putting my clothes on, so I shouted for her to wait and told her that I would help her look for her mom ( After I put back the one thing I had tested at some random place :P)
I took her hand and we went to the disk to ask if they could call out after her mom. But they said that it was out of function and that they had to call for the janitor. The little girl hold my hand tighter and I tried to comfort her and get her spirit up again. I said that we had to look around instead for her Mom. And just as I had asked how her Mom looked like, she pointed towards the exit. Is that your Mom I asked and she nodded. We hurried to the exit and I shouted for the Mom to wait. The Mom were very thankful and the little girl was just..super cute X3
( of course she didn't look like that XP )
Another happy event today was that after we had been at Sivia torg to buy some Persian candy, we still had a long time left on the parking ticket. So we gave it to a man who just stepped out of his car. He was very thankful and had a big smile plus best of all.....He looked just like Anders from Hipp Hipp *_*
I love Hipp Hipp, and I can't wait untill we get the DVD collection Which we ordered the other day. I will also get my new earphones then, since my old ones broke - was kinda expecting it since the ones I have been using for the past years always stop working after half an year.I tried another version this time, so I hope they will be good.

A Strange Dream: Crimson

I have been to lazy to write about saturday, but I will try to get down to that later today....or whenever I feel like it :p
Btw, watching TBS right now and there is some korean tradional drama dubbed in japanese airing right now. Actually at first I didn't realise that it was dubbed and let the channel be on just to listen to this guy with a voice which really reminded me about Koyama Rikiya ( Angelique Etoile - Leonard, Eyeshield 21 - Musashi and Soul Eater - Shinigami sama, though the voice was like Leonard's this time) So now when I know it is dubbed, I'm just waiting for Koyama's character to return,lol. I still have no idea what the drama is called...oh! now someone got kidnapped :O,lol.
( I will probably continue to comment from this drama, so be prepeared,lol)
Anyway, the thing I wanted to write about now was the dream I had tonight, which was really cool, and involved several friends of mine.
Since it is a dream, I'm remebmering parts at the same time that I'm writing, so it will probably be a bit hard to get =_=;;
( Btw, the kidnapped girl was fed poison and died, by the hands of the people she had worked for
Uppdated:...but later she was saved by Koyama and taken to a monk.)
Uppdated- End of Episode: The girl was later cured and left. But koyamas character followed her. She then asked him to take her with him and he nodded. Then suddenly they had gotten a 7~10 year old child XD
Btw, in the ending credit it even stood that Koyama had voiced him :3 )
-Changed to Nihon TV were the first episode of My Boss,My Hero were reairing - right to the "Water da,Water da. WATER!,WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATER!!!!!!" XDDDD Love that scene.

I mostly rode on my hourse and patrolled the surronding area - around my house and a bit on the road. (I live at the end of my street and have a huge field next to me) There already were two guards next to the mailbox, so I would chat with them and get a short report, before returning back (less than 10m to the front door,lol)
Later in the night, suddenly a Black Knight, rode past the house, and then rode back. He was called the headless knight, since he reminded about him from the ghost stories. Though his head was still in place, just that when he turned around to ride back, he would take off his helmet. And thanx to the moonlight, I got a glimpse of his looks.
He was...TORBJÖRN O_O.
I didn't ponder on this, since it was like I had already seen this episode before, so I knew that I was right. But that wasn't something I could just spill out. But I did continue to say that it was without doubts Torbjörn, even against the odds.
I talked with his girlfriend, Mirja, who said that both of them had gone to sleep at the same time and that surely she would have woken up if Torbjörn had left the bed, since he always made too much noise or would slurp milk loudly.
They lived right next to my house in my dream, so Torbjörn Could easily have snucked out and rode down the street in less than 1min and then have returned to bed again.
I also talked with Simon, who said that he had heard some strange noise in the night, but thought it was just a cat.
A cat has four legs just like a horse, so it could have been that- I thought in the dream, which probably was more like a stupid connection to hurry on with the investigation =_=
In the afternnoon, Torbjörn finally woke up. He had a litle hung over, and still not fully awake. But I asked him straight out if he had rode down the street last night. He said that he hadn't, but think he had seen it. He remebers a Crimson-full moon.
"Crimson?" I asked again and Torbjörn just nodded and repeated. The moon had been full, but it hadn't been crimson. I then noticed that when Torbjörn mentioned crimson, his pupils become for just a secound red.
I told Mirja to keep eyes on Torbjörn in the night and also put a guardian by their mailbox.
There wasn't much to do than await night and catch the rider.

I then went to drink tea and have "Girl's Talk" with my friends. I checked my mail and surfed the internet a bit - complaining that it was very complicated and uncomfortable with my armor euipped XP
As the night came again, I had appointed more guards around the area and told everyone to be on guard. Then suddenly the Knight appeared again. He was fast, so I let him ride past at first, and as he was turning around I told the guards to surrond him. He jumped over two of them and tried to escape.. But then I jumped forward with sword in the air. He parried my blow and tried to fend me off so he could escape. But I wouldn't allow that. As I continued to parry and trying to land a hit on him, I tried to see inside the helmet. I was met with a pair of crimson eyes, which gave me a small chock and a chanse for him to escape.
I was still sure of that it was Torbjörn, so I hurried after to his house. I told some guardians to search the house, while I went to the mailbox. The guard I had appointed was still standing there and acted as he almost didn't notice us. Irritated I gave him a punch, ´which made him fall to the ground.
" What do you think you are doing?! Slacking of like that!" I yelled angry.
"Eh,Captain?What are you doing here....what's going on?" He looked around confused and I explained the situation.
"How dare you sleep on your post?" I said while staring at him. He was shaking and looked like he was about to cry. But while staring I suddenly noticed something. His eyes shifted between his regular and crimson.
"You...what was the last thing you remember?"
" I...crimson...I saw something crimson.."
I told another guard to take him back with him and try to get a full report from him. This myserium was starting to get irritated, since I already was sure that Torbjörn was the knight, then who was the one using him?

We had taken Torbjörn into custody, Which Mirja was a bit happy about since she could drink more Milk than usual in the morning. In the morning, without my horse, I met 2 kids on bikes and I asked them if they knew anything. One of them said that they had seen a strange man in a Crimson cape before. I asked where he had gone and the kids tried to answer, but they couldn't remember and even their eyes shifted to crimson.
I made two accompiend soldiers to ask them more, and also give them ice-cream later. I sighed to myself. This started to become different from the episode I had seen, or perhaps even my memory could have been affected in some way?
Crimson....that would be the thing or the one we would search for, and as the commander of the army, it was job to put an end to it.
~ to be continued......?~
That is the things I mostly remember from my dream, all other things are to blurry. I think there were more funny things with my friend, like more during the tea time or so.
But...well, it was just a dream so can't be helped ne ;)
(Btw, In another episode of that korean drama, Koyamas character was out with the little girl and some villagers started to yell that he was a wanted idea what happend later , since I swithched channel and watched some cooking show instead XDD)

Kiniro no Corda - Anime
Yesterday I finished watching Kurenai and had a hard time deciding for next anime to rewatch+complete. I wanted something with a light feeling, nothing with a sense of great attachment.
But most animes that came to mind has a small irritaion tagging overflown of irritating girls =_=
So instead I choose a school anime, or rather, an anime full of good guys X3
Kiniro no Corda~Primo Passo / La Corda d`oro~Primo Passo ^___ <
I was able to watch 2 episodes this morning - before I went into town on a interview.
After I came home I watched until episode 8, meaning that I have already passed the re:watching of it and is now on new episodes^_^
I wanted to watch mroe, but I took a short break and feel asleep instead. My sister woke me up to give me my cellphone, and at the same time one of my cats snuck in. She jumped up on my bed and was more cuddling than usual.
I was still only half awake and too into Kiniro no Corda ( -rememeber that I had Cannon on mind the whole time before I fell asleep- in my dream - and when I woke up too)
Episode 8 had ended with a troubled Tsukimori Len, and so when my cat was so happy I said:
"Tsukimori-kun, you aren't as tsunderu and cold as usual, what have happend to you?"
Then my cat catched a glimpse of the leftovers from my lunch, and started to try to lick the plate. I pushed her away and said:
" So you weren't cuddling at all, you just wanted food?! You are as bad as Hirihara-senpai and Nagi" (- Nagi is one of my other cats who Aya really dislikes,lol)
" Wait, you aren't Tsukimori, I havn't seen so far yet..hmm, Aya? Ohhh..." After some mumbling I finnaly became fully awake XD