Final Fantasy XIII + XIV
Today I also saw some short information about Nr.14 in the FF serie ^W^ !!!!!. Probably old news, but I'm still a bit shocked that they come with this already, since XIII is still the biggest topic.
That reminds me....when the hell do I get to know the Seiyu for NOCTIS,Versus main character???????! >_______<
Snow and Lightning was annonced a long time ago, so I just want to hear Noctis voice now*sob*.
I have been trying to guess who would fit his character too At first I thought perhaps it would e Miyano Mamoru, since he has gotten tons of roles since he won as the best male seiyu last year. His voice as Setsuna (-Gundam 00) would probably fit Noctis a lot.
Before that I had also thought about Namikawa Daisuke, with a voice which is something between Beniwa (-Utawarerumono) and Ulquirroas (-Bleach) But for the moment, I'm hoping that Matsukaze Masaya will do the voice. Just a little thougher version of Blue/Joseph's (-Blassreiter), more like Jin's (-Seirei no Moribito) would be perfect.
I can only continue to hold my thumbs ^^
Also I want to know more about Final Fantasy XIII: Agito, which will be released to PSP.
This is the one I know the least about, not that I know that much about the other ones either ^^;;
But I like what I have seen so far, to say. Especially the massive collection of characters right of the hook :3
Final Fantasy XIV on the other hand will be a follow up of XI, meaning that it will be a new online game.
I checked the trailer, which had a nice catching of prologue stuff and few scenes.
Here is the link for the preview btw ^^:
With all this I....I really want to hurry up and master japanese =_=
then when I go to Japan I will save money and buy a PS3 and all thease FF games X3
Since I would rather puke than play Final Fantasy with dubbed voices *brrp* I have no choise than to wait for that time ne.
Well, I still have my hands full up with other Final Fantasy games anyway...reminds me that I should continue playing VII.
...Even more, it reminds me that I was right before the final boss in FF II,III and also V.
Really shows how bad I'm at finishing stuff,lol.
Shopping day, becomes helping day?

"No, your Mom isn't here" My Mom said, and the little girl walked away. I was done with putting my clothes on, so I shouted for her to wait and told her that I would help her look for her mom ( After I put back the one thing I had tested at some random place :P)
I took her hand and we went to the disk to ask if they could call out after her mom. But they said that it was out of function and that they had to call for the janitor. The little girl hold my hand tighter and I tried to comfort her and get her spirit up again. I said that we had to look around instead for her Mom. And just as I had asked how her Mom looked like, she pointed towards the exit. Is that your Mom I asked and she nodded. We hurried to the exit and I shouted for the Mom to wait. The Mom were very thankful and the little girl was just..super cute X3
( of course she didn't look like that XP )
Another happy event today was that after we had been at Sivia torg to buy some Persian candy, we still had a long time left on the parking ticket. So we gave it to a man who just stepped out of his car. He was very thankful and had a big smile plus best of all.....He looked just like Anders from Hipp Hipp *_*
I love Hipp Hipp, and I can't wait untill we get the DVD collection Which we ordered the other day. I will also get my new earphones then, since my old ones broke - was kinda expecting it since the ones I have been using for the past years always stop working after half an year.I tried another version this time, so I hope they will be good.

A Strange Dream: Crimson

I have been to lazy to write about saturday, but I will try to get down to that later today....or whenever I feel like it :p
Btw, watching TBS right now and there is some korean tradional drama dubbed in japanese airing right now. Actually at first I didn't realise that it was dubbed and let the channel be on just to listen to this guy with a voice which really reminded me about Koyama Rikiya ( Angelique Etoile - Leonard, Eyeshield 21 - Musashi and Soul Eater - Shinigami sama, though the voice was like Leonard's this time) So now when I know it is dubbed, I'm just waiting for Koyama's character to return,lol. I still have no idea what the drama is called...oh! now someone got kidnapped :O,lol.
( I will probably continue to comment from this drama, so be prepeared,lol)
Anyway, the thing I wanted to write about now was the dream I had tonight, which was really cool, and involved several friends of mine.
Since it is a dream, I'm remebmering parts at the same time that I'm writing, so it will probably be a bit hard to get =_=;;
( Btw, the kidnapped girl was fed poison and died, by the hands of the people she had worked for
Uppdated:...but later she was saved by Koyama and taken to a monk.)
Uppdated- End of Episode: The girl was later cured and left. But koyamas character followed her. She then asked him to take her with him and he nodded. Then suddenly they had gotten a 7~10 year old child XD
Btw, in the ending credit it even stood that Koyama had voiced him :3 )
-Changed to Nihon TV were the first episode of My Boss,My Hero were reairing - right to the "Water da,Water da. WATER!,WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATER!!!!!!" XDDDD Love that scene.

I mostly rode on my hourse and patrolled the surronding area - around my house and a bit on the road. (I live at the end of my street and have a huge field next to me) There already were two guards next to the mailbox, so I would chat with them and get a short report, before returning back (less than 10m to the front door,lol)
Later in the night, suddenly a Black Knight, rode past the house, and then rode back. He was called the headless knight, since he reminded about him from the ghost stories. Though his head was still in place, just that when he turned around to ride back, he would take off his helmet. And thanx to the moonlight, I got a glimpse of his looks.
He was...TORBJÖRN O_O.
I didn't ponder on this, since it was like I had already seen this episode before, so I knew that I was right. But that wasn't something I could just spill out. But I did continue to say that it was without doubts Torbjörn, even against the odds.
I talked with his girlfriend, Mirja, who said that both of them had gone to sleep at the same time and that surely she would have woken up if Torbjörn had left the bed, since he always made too much noise or would slurp milk loudly.
They lived right next to my house in my dream, so Torbjörn Could easily have snucked out and rode down the street in less than 1min and then have returned to bed again.
I also talked with Simon, who said that he had heard some strange noise in the night, but thought it was just a cat.
A cat has four legs just like a horse, so it could have been that- I thought in the dream, which probably was more like a stupid connection to hurry on with the investigation =_=
In the afternnoon, Torbjörn finally woke up. He had a litle hung over, and still not fully awake. But I asked him straight out if he had rode down the street last night. He said that he hadn't, but think he had seen it. He remebers a Crimson-full moon.
"Crimson?" I asked again and Torbjörn just nodded and repeated. The moon had been full, but it hadn't been crimson. I then noticed that when Torbjörn mentioned crimson, his pupils become for just a secound red.
I told Mirja to keep eyes on Torbjörn in the night and also put a guardian by their mailbox.
There wasn't much to do than await night and catch the rider.

I then went to drink tea and have "Girl's Talk" with my friends. I checked my mail and surfed the internet a bit - complaining that it was very complicated and uncomfortable with my armor euipped XP
As the night came again, I had appointed more guards around the area and told everyone to be on guard. Then suddenly the Knight appeared again. He was fast, so I let him ride past at first, and as he was turning around I told the guards to surrond him. He jumped over two of them and tried to escape.. But then I jumped forward with sword in the air. He parried my blow and tried to fend me off so he could escape. But I wouldn't allow that. As I continued to parry and trying to land a hit on him, I tried to see inside the helmet. I was met with a pair of crimson eyes, which gave me a small chock and a chanse for him to escape.
I was still sure of that it was Torbjörn, so I hurried after to his house. I told some guardians to search the house, while I went to the mailbox. The guard I had appointed was still standing there and acted as he almost didn't notice us. Irritated I gave him a punch, ´which made him fall to the ground.
" What do you think you are doing?! Slacking of like that!" I yelled angry.
"Eh,Captain?What are you doing here....what's going on?" He looked around confused and I explained the situation.
"How dare you sleep on your post?" I said while staring at him. He was shaking and looked like he was about to cry. But while staring I suddenly noticed something. His eyes shifted between his regular and crimson.
"You...what was the last thing you remember?"
" I...crimson...I saw something crimson.."
I told another guard to take him back with him and try to get a full report from him. This myserium was starting to get irritated, since I already was sure that Torbjörn was the knight, then who was the one using him?

We had taken Torbjörn into custody, Which Mirja was a bit happy about since she could drink more Milk than usual in the morning. In the morning, without my horse, I met 2 kids on bikes and I asked them if they knew anything. One of them said that they had seen a strange man in a Crimson cape before. I asked where he had gone and the kids tried to answer, but they couldn't remember and even their eyes shifted to crimson.
I made two accompiend soldiers to ask them more, and also give them ice-cream later. I sighed to myself. This started to become different from the episode I had seen, or perhaps even my memory could have been affected in some way?
Crimson....that would be the thing or the one we would search for, and as the commander of the army, it was job to put an end to it.
~ to be continued......?~
That is the things I mostly remember from my dream, all other things are to blurry. I think there were more funny things with my friend, like more during the tea time or so.
But...well, it was just a dream so can't be helped ne ;)
(Btw, In another episode of that korean drama, Koyamas character was out with the little girl and some villagers started to yell that he was a wanted idea what happend later , since I swithched channel and watched some cooking show instead XDD)

Kiniro no Corda - Anime
Yesterday I finished watching Kurenai and had a hard time deciding for next anime to rewatch+complete. I wanted something with a light feeling, nothing with a sense of great attachment.
But most animes that came to mind has a small irritaion tagging overflown of irritating girls =_=
So instead I choose a school anime, or rather, an anime full of good guys X3
Kiniro no Corda~Primo Passo / La Corda d`oro~Primo Passo ^___ <
I was able to watch 2 episodes this morning - before I went into town on a interview.
After I came home I watched until episode 8, meaning that I have already passed the re:watching of it and is now on new episodes^_^
I wanted to watch mroe, but I took a short break and feel asleep instead. My sister woke me up to give me my cellphone, and at the same time one of my cats snuck in. She jumped up on my bed and was more cuddling than usual.
I was still only half awake and too into Kiniro no Corda ( -rememeber that I had Cannon on mind the whole time before I fell asleep- in my dream - and when I woke up too)
Episode 8 had ended with a troubled Tsukimori Len, and so when my cat was so happy I said:
"Tsukimori-kun, you aren't as tsunderu and cold as usual, what have happend to you?"
Then my cat catched a glimpse of the leftovers from my lunch, and started to try to lick the plate. I pushed her away and said:
" So you weren't cuddling at all, you just wanted food?! You are as bad as Hirihara-senpai and Nagi" (- Nagi is one of my other cats who Aya really dislikes,lol)
" Wait, you aren't Tsukimori, I havn't seen so far yet..hmm, Aya? Ohhh..." After some mumbling I finnaly became fully awake XD
Cappuchino Fika :3
Today I sat together with Sahar and Malin at the Cappuchino Cafe in Uppsala.
We just chilled and talked for some hours, they eating a chocolate cake with ice cream and drinking soda, while I....drank water through a straw*slurp* We sat outisde, feeling a nice breeze, or rather, a too strong wind. It continued to pull and trying to sweep awat the parasol from our table,lol.
This was actually the only thing I kinda did today ^^;
On this saturday, I will be celebrating two of my friends. One is Malin, the date is 2 ahead from her real birthday, but on that day she will be going to Gottland =...= leaving us all again*sob*
The Secound one is Olov/ Bullen, having a game-day + setting up a...ehm, Fiskedam?! =_?
Don't remeber the eglish word for it, but it's when you put up a sheeth and then using a fishing rod you fish up a bag of candy or some other suprising thing ( like Golden-curls XD)
Anyway, I'm really looking forward to both of these, jsut a bit worried about splitting the time between them
But it will work out one way or the other ne ^w^
( if that only was the real case =_= =
Kiniro no Corda ~Seiso Gakuin Sai

I really can't stop being grateful to the Seiyu forum T_T
since today one person upploaded Kiniro no Corda ~Seiso Gakuin Sai, which is of course a live event with the cast from the Neoromance Otome game serie with the same name.
I have only watched 5 minutes of it so far, being the opening and introduction of the whole cast. But I'm guessing that this is supposed to be related to the ~Secound Passo~ which came this year, especially since the newly added character Etou Kiriya = Hino Satoshi is attending ^0^
It will be nice to see his acting on scene. I have only seen him before in the Kiseki no Hana event, and he had such an...aura,lol. Maybe because he had to be dressed up (- since they had do a mix of typhical seiyu voice cover while acting. He always looked like he was preaching,lol)
At the introduction he enters last, really gathering the attention.

I really wish to see this, but I guess I have to finish watching the first season + Secound Passo Ova before that,lol.
Of course, if I want to make the attention on the seiyus (immediatley, since of course that will be the main attraction later) I could watch it now. But I havn't gotten the oppertunity to play any of the games yet, so I want to know more about the characters (especially with the 3 added characters, which didn't appear in the first anime)

Oh yeah! It just hit me that maybe I should make a short sum up about Kiniro, for those who have no bloody idea what I'm talking about =_=;;;
First of all, Kiniro no Corda is an Otome game = meaning a simulation dating game for girls, the main purpose being to fall in love with one of the character in the games.
STORY: The story in Kiniro is that on the school start of the secound year Hino Kahoko starts seeing a little fairy. The happy fairy,Lily, happily rings the legendary bells, since he finnaly found the choosen one. He gives Hino a magical violin and want's her to use it and kinda help the world with the music. Hino refuses to belive in this and runs to class. Hino's schools is seperated between the regular class and the musical, since the school was meant to only be an musical school at first. Next day the school announces the one participating in the musical competition, and of course Hino get's choosen as the only one from the regular class.
Well, that is kinda the bakground (atleast in the anime) and start for everything + adding love scenes and ect ^.~
Btw, here comes some screenshots from the game (taken from gamespots site)

From the few episodes I watched when the anime was new ( maybe 7~12 at most) I felt at that time I had gotten a hold of some of the guys "characters", like their typhical behavior. But then I found out that Yunoki is not the "typhical collected Mr.friendly guy", but that is supposdley a mask hiding his real...well, not fully sure since I,like mentioned too many times already, lacks valuable information about Kiniro, but Yuniko seems kinda Saddistic?!?! XDDD
Just look at this picture below, it is just so evil! He went from typhical, prehaps even boring, to super interesting chara :O

This is also probably because my still new love is "manipulative-character" - Atleast the voice!
For example :
I hate Aizen in Bleach, but when Hayami Sho uses phrases that is super manipulative I can't stop smiling ( maybe I'm saddistic myself, LOL ) The same goes for Ichimaru Gin, Ulquiorra and Grimmjow ect - all Bleach characters,lol
(= Yusa Kouji, Namikawa Daisuke and Suwabe junichi <3 )
Or Hallelujah from Gundam 00, (though, Yoshino is more crazy manipulative as him XD <3)
And since Yuniko is voiced by Kidhio Daisuke, I can't help getting a strong vibe of Kuran Kaname from Vampire Knight = can make you speechless with just a glance <3
Anyway, almost forgot this was about Kiniro, especially the live event ^^;;;
I guess my one and only point with this was = I think I'm finnaly starting to get into Nr.3 of the NeoRomance serie. ( Harukanaru toki no naka de 1-4 + Angelique and Neo Angelique being the other two)
Making it more entertaining when I watch NeoRomance Festa and such X3

Last night I read the first 2 volumes of this manga and in the morning I read the last 2 aswell.
I was looking at and got irritated because they said it was a Shounen-ai , which I disagree with.
So I decided to add a short review, not with to much information, but just to object to the Shounen-ai part.
Surely, I agree that the cover makes it seem kinda Shounen-ai'ish, but as I said in my review, it was just two brothers being very close with each other XD
Oh, and if you check out the link, you see that the volume cover is for volume 4 (-the last volume) and one of the guys is the main character, but the other one isn't the brother, but.....well it's a spoiler, so don't read if you don't want to find out:
--The other soul which had reside inside the main characters body since birth- the real prince for the other world. Later they find his real body and the princes's soul is transfered to that one. At first he has long hair, but he cut's it by the last chapter, making him look identical to the main character.---
Plot Summary: Tastumi is a normal boy going to school and living with his strict older brother. Orphaned at a young age, his brother has been both a mother and a father to him. One day, he and his friends are about to rescue a beautiful girl from being harrassed when she beats them up herself. When she sees Tatsumi, she suddenly calls him "Rui".
First of all, this manga may have had elements of shounen-ai, but that was purely a deep brothership and nothingless.
It wasn't as much fantasy as I had hoped, since the other world had a high level of technology and the clothes weren't different from regular clothes.
But it had some interesting factors, such as adding artificial humans and a half human/half beast guy in the story (also very nice drawn).
The art was well done, but I found it lacking on emotions. What was more to my liking was the layout. It really showed that the mangaka knew what she was doing, using the right and different angles without over using any.
It was probably my biggest enjoyment with the manga.
In conclusion; this is a manga for anyone who just wants to read a manga without getting too into it. I can say that the fact that I wasn't expecting anything from it, made it more interesting when some good parts happend.

Oh, and since I couldn't add it with the rewiev before, here is the half human/ half beast guy - Jango ^^
Oh, I almost forgot something important- since I point out that this is the most important thing in the manga all the time...who my favorite character was XDD
hmm, actually, I didn't have anyone,lol, but I guess I was roting for the big brother. I liked how he as a magican of age 12 was handed the soul of the prince and alone travelled to our world. He even gave up his own body, so he could become the main characters big brother. ( He found it by a car accident)
But I thought that the coolest guy in the manga was the evil guy (picture below), I mean just look:
Long hair + eyepatch <3 ^w^.....but still, it was like picking the favorite from a bunch of stuff you had no real interest in, making it seem like you had an interest in, when you in fact didn't...kinda ^^;;;;

Game weekend

This weekend I had my friends come over to play some games. We used my chipped Ps2 and Gamecube, and mostly played fighting games. I really wanted to play some unusual games with them, especially the ones based from animes which a few of them are watching (Me too of course ^^)
The Ps2 games we played was:
* Soul Eater
* Bleach: Blade Battlers 2
* Katekiyou Hitman Reborn (one battle XD)
* Guilty Gear XX: Accent Core
* Dokapon Kingdom ( Me and Mörkel won over the guys ^w^ )
* Guitar Hero: 80's Encore
And the Gamecube Games we played were:
* Donkey Kongas
* Soul Calibur 2 ( We had John with us, who is a real Soul Calibur nerd,lol)
* Time Splitter 2
* Mario Kart: Double Dash ( I actually didn't play any, since as they started playing, Mörkel and I accompanied Isak to the bus..and then followed up with a walk for about 1h )

I probably forgot one or two games ^^;;; And even if I remember later on, I will probably be too lazy to
update it XP
We also barbequed some, atleast the others - while I ate the dinner food from the day before,lol. But I tasted some of Mörkels salmon and it was heavenly *_* ( I also ate the one she had forgotten XDD)
A lot of funny things happend, like Olov / Bullens trouble with trying to figure out the word ice cubics while we played Alias.
It is a game in which you play as a team of two and one tries to describe a word for the other, without using parts of the real word. For example, if the word is Ice Cubic, you can say stuff like " Freezing water in the shape of a square"
If you use the word ice or cubic while describing, you won't get any points.
And so John really had to struggle with getting Olov to understand this word.
John: put it in a glass-
Olov: Glacier! XD

But now I started to wonder if I should re-watch it again and then watch the secound season?
.....still havn't decided,lol, because I have full up with other things to watch, so I shouldn't add that list more than necessary = I still have to check out all good new started animes XDDDD
So as a conclusion I can say it was a really pleasant weekend, and I'm very happy and grateful to the people who came :)
Btw, till next time I meet with some of them again....I really want to understand the full meaning of what/who GOTTLANDS-OLA is >.<;;;;